Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It all goes up in smoke

PC Lee's seems to have won the battle against smoking, apparently he has been abstaining from cigarettes for quite a few weeks already so I thought most of the army guys would know and try to egg him on. (Not egg him on to pick it up again ok!)

However he has had new issues so all the best to you brother!

Recently also watched on TV that 李铭顺and er forget it my Mandarin sucks. Quan Yi Feng and Huang Hui are pledging to quit smoking. No doubt some part of government awareness campaign. Well but I do applaud their first step in coming forward to try, especially Quan Yi Feng. Evidently her daughter is emulating her smoking at home, and she said she felt guilty and that she didn't want this bad smoking habit to pass down to her daughter.

Been reading a few posts from a fellow Phy major and feel that althought we don't really click/clique, I kind of share the same sentiments with him. That both of us don't really excel at studies, like spending power and being in control. Talk about finding a 知己 in the most unlikely places.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Of KFC and silly blunders

One fine day, my younger sis developed a craving for KFC. So we browsed through the discount coupons very happily and chose our meal.

Then we drove to BP plaza and I parked the car at the carpark opposite the shopping centre. As we were walking towards BreadTalk, Pei suddenly asked me 'kor where's the coupon?'

I went limp in the knees cos I thought she brought it. Dammit, We came without the fiaking coupons. Nb... so I ended up buying PIAC (Pasta in a cup) and she bought something else, oh I remember now. She bought the 4 piece devil drumlets from KFC. So we were both quite pissed at ourselves for being so damned forgetful while trotting out of the shopping centre when... WTF! The guy from KFC is giving out the discount coupons! KNN! Asshole why wasn't he there when we walk in. Damned suay man!

After cursing and contemplating whether to knock the daylights out of that bugger we reached the car and... lo and behold...



Sunday, October 09, 2005

20/20 Vision...

What is 20/20 Vision?

Visual acuity is typically measured with the use of a standard eye chart called the Snellen chart. It was devised by Dr. Hermann Snellen, a Dutch Ophthalmologist, in 1862. It was originally used at a standard distance of 6 meters, which is about...

Read more about it here
Scroll down until you see the Snellen chart. Yes, the one that you have to look at when your health booklet has to be checked in primary school.

Well at least its stuff that I never knew. "Godma" gave us this site for circular aperture diffraction stuff but well as you surf there are always interesting things that you find out!

:) (why am I smiling when I owe my godma 4 lab reports and a 45 minutes VIVA? ccb...)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Am I suffering from insomnia? I told JK I was going off at 1:30. Until now still unable to sleep, damn it!
At this rate I won't be awake in time for solid state physics. Freakkkk!!

Gah! Gdnite all.. my neighbour's rooster is gonna start crowing in 1 hour's time.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Lingering thoughts

Been thinking quite often these days, one is about a letter to one of the local paper's forums. Actually it came out from Jingkai's mouth lah but anyway this person was suggesting a death sentence for hit and run criminals. Most probably the idea came to him for the recent case of a taxi hitting someone or some vehicle and didn't stop.

As I watched the news where the one of the local vehicle repair workshops got a plaque from the SPF for being an alert and vigilant citizen blah blah .. it just came to my mind, what would I have done if I hit someone and there's no one around and the person I just hit is confirmed dead. It would be a farking dilemma wouldn't it? I would surely be in one, now does that spell any troubling traits about me I wonder. As Jingkai told me he would surely stop since he didn't want to be forever haunted by this incident, I also searched my mind for a piece on conscience.

What if you surrendered and admitted to running that person over? If this law is passed then you'd better be prepared for a noose around your neck. Well that just means game over right?

However if you ran, well you would probably end up hiding for the rest of your life, probably in any country if you can really get out in the first place. And being haunted by that incident forever. I don't know which is better but both options aren't that good in the first place.

I also realised that my studying pace is so freaking slow compared to my peers. Most of the time JK can finish revision way ahead of me while Zeff can really chiong last minute and yet know his stuff much better than me. So now really quite worried about this, I mean this isn't just about acadaemia but part of a life-long process. Learning self improvement is very important and I also realised I have quite a lot of other flaws. That day while I was revising M&C I realised there was a mistake in one of either JK or KC's drawings/workings/explanation. Though I knew it, I just didn't open my mouth to spit it out. Weird right?

So after a day of thinking the next day I forcefully made myself explain how a circuit worked to KC. Hur hur.. that was really silly and yet enlightening. Machiam doing a mini presentation.

So much for weird traits about me. Have you searched your soul today?