Monday, April 12, 2004


leads to hate, hate leads to pain, and pain leads to suffering~
That was a short quote from who else but Master Yoda himself aka. Zhenwei .. wonder how is he now..

Recently there's been a sensitive topic running around, cos TNP the #1 bullshit paper in my opinion, ran a story and talked about this Chinese (by nationality, not by race) who commented on an online forum that his project mate who is a Singaporean was lazy, always played computer games and in my opinion it was an isolated personal attack on a Singaporean project mate. The headlines on TNP practically screamed "Chinese student says "Singapore scholars are lazy, stupid and have pigswill for brains."

If there's anyone who has pigswill for brains, its the stupid TNP reporter in my opinion. After reading the article you realise its a personal attack, then the headlines are screaming such controversial stuff. I really really HATE TNP, its an insult to Singapore press in general.. which other paper can you get that has more than 5 pages of ringtones, chatlines, dunno-what-else stupid crap advertisements? In the forum, others (possibly Chinese) commented that even a guy (may his soul RIP) who got struck by lightning could get into the newspaper frontpage headlines. In their opinion it is incredible that such unimportant news could get into the headlines. To a certain extent you have to agree but hey, we're only such a small state, what do you want?

Possible headlines for them could be.. "Singapore River overflows, flash floods kill 5000 along boat quay."
"NUS students protest against new school fees, 50 arrested, 100 shot, 1000 dispersed with tear gas"
"Singapore joins in the nuclear arms race, new H-bomb invented by Prof Frank Watt (NUS)"
"SM Lee's butt gets scraped by unknown gunman's bullet, PAP condemns act of terrorism"

Anyway, as GX was suggesting, we should call Class 95FM ....
FD, Glenn and Rod : Hello who is this??
Me: Hi I would like to remain anonymous..
FD,GO,RM: Go ahead and speak your mind about the chi...(interrupted)
Me: So clever go back to China lah!!!! *hangs up*

That would be a memorable one.. haha..
Morale of story, TNP is a bullshit paper, don't let me catch you reading it unless you are looking for soccer results. Personally, if one day I become the Minister for Information and the arts, I will ban TNP totally. Except their sports section. Maybe comics.. haha!

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