Sunday, October 10, 2004

Retarded notes..

Not say I want to say but I cannot help but say it lor..

Frickin' 1st line of the ODE notes already got a glaring mistake.. I don't care if the lecturer is from China, India, Pakistan, Swaiziland or Somalia.. its just retarded.. ughh

Differential equations are very where in physics.

Huh? Differential equations are everywhere in physics you mean.. or could it be.. differential equations are VERY RARE in physics..(haha cannot be lah..)


Had an early dinner at somewhere near Katong today, its actually along Still Road. Dad and my oh-so-arrogant cousin treated us to chilli/black pepper crabs today. Apparently that place is so bleddy famous that the queue was about 10 persons long at 5pm sharp~!!! So you can imagine at 6pm the crabs were SOLD OUT! Wah lau.. bleddy hell.. I wonder.. what the 20 people in the queue are waiting for anyway since they are LOOKING at all of us devouring crabs like mad.. haha!

Super sinful day.. but ok lah managed to squeeze in a summary of my geography project, I shall go and continue to do some more research on Arab Street now!

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