Monday, July 31, 2006

What do you suck at?

I suck at..

1. Counting dates, for example if today is the 12th and its a Tuesday and you ask me on the 17th what day is it, I can't tell you in like 5 seconds and its highly irritating! Ok I took about 10 odd seconds and the answer is Sunday!

2. Remembering past dates, sometimes you just wish you had Beng's mega memory, I can remember events that happened before but I'm unable to put my finger down on the date that it happened. Terribly sucky memory :(

3. Telling which month has 30 or 31 days. Yesterday I just told my younger sis that July only has 30 days. Haha damned!

4. Running. Even Uncle Nick asked me why I can't get gold, that coming from a CSM, is highly irritating as well.

5. Studying by myself. Without a good teacher/teachers, I really cannot do well, as shown in my below average Uni grades. :(

Oh well, what do you suck at today??

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