Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Rage unleashed..

This is such a terrible time, tens of thousands are dead within hours just because of a single earthquake. Perhaps the 'coffeeshop theory' is right, that the almighty Allah has been disturbed by too many Islamic extremists, thwarting the religion so that he decided to show who's boss after all. (no offence meant to anyone)

That's just rubbish talk from the coffeeshop anyway. We should thank our lucky stars, suns and moons that we are shielded from the full impact of the tsunamis by Sumatra. Just watching CNN play and replay video footage of floating corpses, fleeing villagers, surging waters engulfing resorts.. one scene was particularly disturbing. It showed a poster saying "Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2005" in the background and in the foreground was an overturned SUV.

I've a lot of mixed feelings right now, this is so so so unfortunate to all the people affected. I was listening to 93.3FM and the DJ if I'm not wrong was Liyi. I don't mean to be rude but I thought she said a really.. dumb comment. She was saying that year-ends are unlucky and such.. with this happening just before the New Year and.. Anita Mui's death around this time last year.

Why on Earth is she comparing a fricking NATURAL DISASTER with the death of a famous celebrity? There are at least 18,000 people dead in Sri Lanka .. this shouldn't be compared to Anita Mui's death in the first place which I believe was from cancer or some chronic disease. (Co-incidentally, prima donna #1 was saying year-ends are very suay because SQ-006 accident occurred during this period of time too.. which makes 12903789057120938 times more sense!)

Its tough being a DJ when you don't think deep enough. (shallow?)

That's all for this post! Tired from work!

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