Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Humans are never contented.. like me for example. Its finally holidays but I have to work cos my poor dad is sick. He's been sick for 2 weeks already and I suspect he has been under constant siege from some weird unknown virus. That means I have to help him at work, or rather, REPLACE him at work.

FARRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKK. Ok that felt a wee wee bit better. Holidays = work.

Oh and I've got a whole new list of things to do!
In no particular order..

1. Repair laptop.
2. Repair TV.
3. Buy new hard disk.
4. Buy 4D because I finally got my first parking summons ($6)
5. Get new motherboard if I strike tomorrow/Sat/Sunday's 4D.
6. Get new monitor for the PC upstairs if I strike 4D.
7. Do the jigsaw puzzle. (Finishing might blind me)
8. Get a DVD Rom if I strike 4D.
9. Change my passport photo.
10. Return the Japanese books to Nick.
11. Change my specs frames.

The list is non-exhaustive.. haha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God doesn't want u to swear brother... May u tap into his strength to acomplish what u need to. Remember Phil 4:13. Love, yr sis in Christ :)