Monday, March 14, 2005

Bo liao..

Read BFSW's blog and subsequently went to read XX's blog. Hehe, ah lian snatches cab from the number 1 blogger in SG for no apparent reason. (Oops, number 1 bloggr or snatch cab for no apparent reason?)

Anyway, I managed to read most of the forum posts inside OGK forums because I think at that time the forum's bandwidth still allowed for unregistered people to view all the posts inside. I dunno man, save for a few, it seems like all the people in the forum are brainless.. I shan't continue.. LOL.

I never knew that in Singapore, life can be so drama even online.. well if XX's claim is valid then actually it wouldn't surprise me. Just a couple of days ago, I went to the Esplanade to watch the 'Mosaic music festival', some jazz band was giving a live performance. Some people who ate glassplexin or optical fibre for lunch stood right in front of us and a whole crowd behind. Happily jiving to the music oblivious to perhaps 20 or 30 odd pissed off people. Perhaps they forgot they were wearing opaque clothes, stupid cockanadens. The above mentioned cock-sters include ang-mors as well, nnb whoever said only locals were inconsiderate? At one point of time felt like shouting 'OEI' a-la-Jianwei style (NH inside joke) but decided at a public performance it wouldn't be too gracious either. Too bad I didn't bring my metal water bottle, which had a 'peace' insignia inscribed on it. JK should know better.. hehe

Where was I? Oh yeah for a summary of the happenings in XX's oh-so-drama blog, I suppose you guessed it. Its in this entry's title.

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