Sunday, May 29, 2005

Atap chee...

The Nypa fruticans or Nipah as it is commonly known, have pollen fossils found in deposits dating back to 70 million years ago! Leaflets are used to make roof thatching (ataps), house partitions, hats, umbrellas, baskets and mats. The young leaflets are dried and used as cigarette wrappers and leaf stalks are burn as fuel. Sugar, wine (toddy) and vinegar can be obtained by processing the sweet sap tapped from severed flowering stalks. Atap- chee, a sweetmeat, is made from young seeds, and served in a local desert call ice-kacang.

More descriptions of mangrove flora.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Kena arrowed..

Ok la at least its an easy task, from Hai~Ren somemore.

Musical meme/baton/whatever

Total volume of music files on my computer

2.95GB, 766 files.

The last CD I bought was

I can't remember, I think it was Frank Sinatra's greatest hits.

I'm a sucker for oldies.. haha

Song playing right now

Heaven's drive by L`Arc~en~CielDamned, it was Gerry and the pacemaker's You'll never walk alone just a few seconds ago.

Five songs I listen to a lot, or mean a lot to me.

Acoustic Alchemy by L`Arc~en~Ciel
Vincent by Don McLean
距离 by 叶良俊
最美 by 江美琪
Corazon Espinado by Mana w/ Carlos Santana

I hereby dedicate "Vincent" to Mr Vincent Soh :)

Five people to whom I'm passing the baton
The princess

PS: Eh PC, start blog la time for some online bitching :p

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Very gian..

About spying on my neighbours.. ooops I meant birdwatching at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. So does anyone have POWERFUL BINOCULARS to spare?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Phishing for my password!

Almost a target of 'phishing' Posted by Hello

Once again its time for internet security lesson. Don't ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...... fall for this. If you become broke, don't say I didn't try to warn you guys :p

Why would DBS bank randomly select me? If I don't reply, my account will get terminated? Sounds terribly fishy to me. Luckily I consulted the streetwise JK haha! If not the phisher would get about $500 richer I think!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Basketball or soccer courts?

I remember quite vividly a few years back, our Nan Hua gang liked to play weekly soccer around the Jurong/Bukit Batok area. If there was a big group of people playing basketball, we would try to find another court but if it was like only a few people, we would invade the court and start forming our teams.

Its a wonder how we didn't get into any real trouble since the way we played soccer was like, pass-pass-pass-blast the soccer ball towards the goal or the single goal post. Normally, 1 team would have additional 'defenders' which came in the form of... the basketballers! Voila! Who sometimes bore the brunt of full power strikes thanks to us.. haha!

It was interesting how we treated those basketballers as inanimate objects, we would use them as an obstruction to impede the paths of the opponent, or hide behind them and suddenly spring a sudden attack. I can't recall the number of 溅招 invented which involved the use of other people not playing our game.

Just came back from a jog and I managed to jog without stopping for like 13 minutes. That totally sucks but it should do for a 2.4km run haha. Did a 'mini circuit' training too at the unfinished road, where a Lamborghini Gallardo zoomed past. Its been a long time since I went for swimming, perhaps around a year or so. Anyone on?

Update update!

0. Be very nice to gf!
1. Solder and fix up a remote control. (fixed!)
2. Do jigsaw puzzle.
3. Tidy up table and print out all the MM notes for archiving!
4. Collect my Atenza emblem!
5. Short trip overseas if possible.
6. Test out Soft99's Authentic Carnuba wax on top of Glare for ultimate shine!
7. Cut hair, and get my stuff ready for high key ICT! New field pack to buy!
8. Can't think of anything, maybe I'll buy Meguiar's high endurance tyre gloss :p (bought Armorall's tyre shine though)
9. If possible, get rid of my SX1 for another phone! Problematic phone..
10. Think what to do with my cow (Hehe.. for me/Yuanz/JK to know and you to find out)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Of holidays and what not..

Basically these holidays have been really shitty for me. First day of holidays I had to rush down to the shop to help out. Should I repeat RUSH again? KNNBCCB..

Didn't help that I was ecstatic the previous night and I played CZ till the birds were chirping. Well done.. I drove to Katong with bloodshot eyes. I think all the aunties could sense that I didn't sleep a wink and didn't disturb me for once. Fucking fucked up day.

Luckily I 'woke up' soon and it wasn't long before the lunch crowd came. My dad returned from his chinese physician and he didn't seem like he sprained his back a few hours ago. CCB.. I hate my life man. Why can't my dad and mum just hold a normal boring office job that doesn't fucking REQUIRE ME to help out.. Then again you gain some you lose some.

Before I explode.. goosfraba....goosfraba...

Friday, May 06, 2005


Its over! Ok it was over 2 days ago and first day of holidays which was yesterday, kena dragged to work already.. wtf! Considering I was gaming till early morning, it was quite a miracle how I survived a day at the coffeeshop the next day.

Anyway since the holidays have started I must have a list of things that I must try to do again! here goes!

0. Be very nice to gf!
1. Solder and fix up a remote control. (fixed!)
2. Do jigsaw puzzle.
3. Tidy up table and print out all the MM notes for archiving!
4. Collect my Atenza emblem!
5. Short trip overseas if possible.
6. Test out Soft99's Authentic Carnuba wax on top of Glare for ultimate shine!
7. Cut hair, and get my stuff ready for high key ICT! New field pack to buy!
8. Can't think of anything, maybe I'll buy Meguiar's high endurance tyre gloss :p (bought Armorall's tyre shine though)
9. If possible, get rid of my SX1 for another phone! Problematic phone..
10. Think what to do with my cow (Hehe.. for me/Yuanz/JK to know and you to find out)