Saturday, November 13, 2004


Since a few weeks ago, the electronics in my house or rather in my possession started to chee-ba-boom (terbaboom).

Fricking peeved right now, number 1 casualty is dear laptop which in my opinion is quite a good laptop, the Fujitsu S6210 or something like that. The heat it generates also helps to keep the said user warm in the lab.

Number 2 was the relatively new television set (Toshiba). Apparently one fine day, J switched off the Air-con(which LEAKS water.. thank god not mercury) and somehow the TV switched itself off as well! We repeated this experiment a couple of times and it was rather successful, yielding the same results time after time. However, the TV kind of got reset and all the channels were lost. That's ok until I discovered that there is NO SOUND at all. So that's number 2..

Number 3 is my table lamp. After serving me for.. 2004-1995 = 9 years, it decided to take a break NOW. Thanks man, now is my exam period and you have to 'pichiak' now. I think a trip down to IKEA is inevitable.. waste of my time.

Number 4 just happened, its my hi-fi. It cannot read CDs and can only play radio.. wtf! Thankfully after some tinkering and kicking it has resumed serving its master faithfully!

Number 5 is not really electronics but its the bloody house. For those who have come to my house before.. you might understand better. The thing is I never approved of buying this house in the first place. Now? Bloody shoddy workmanship, my door cannot be closed because the door frame somehow shrinks, or my door expands, or both happens. This is incredibly evident during rainy days which is like now. Better still, there's a pipe that goes vertically through the kitchen and it leaks. So now the kitchen floor is wet with rainwater which I assume has mixed about with some beautiful green fungi in the fricking pipe.

I can almost predict a number 6, Scooby giving up on me on a rainy day. So I shall really look out for myself these few days! BFSW claims that its because I was racist but hey.. (the last time she suffered an electronics catastrophe was because of the same thing too) I don't think so. Only Number 4 and the water leakage has occured after I put 'that nick' on my MSN.. hehehe

Oh well after reading my buddy Fruchee's blog I think its impossible not to have racism with such people existing on the face of planet Earth. If that caucasian.. ah fark it.. if that ANG MOR talked to me like that in the lab, I'd make sure he swallowed some radioactive radium for lunch. That pretty well expresses my view on buddy's blog, that guy is a total imbecile. He probably has .."mierda" for brains!

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