Saturday, November 20, 2004

ZZzz..taking a break..

Just saw a nice cute picture on Zhihao's blog. (Zeus' Garden, its linked)
Its a Garfield comic strip that shows Garfield and Odie taking a break.
Here comes the funny part,..
Garfield "These breaks are getting so long we need breaks in our break."

Haha.. couldn't help laughing a bit at that silly comic strip.

Oh I just heard that Olinda has been voted out or rather Sylvester has been voted in. Which just goes to show how talent-blind SGreans are or how rich SG ah lians and ah bengs are? I can only imagine the immense amount of disappointment that Olinda feels right now.

Er.. anyway if Sylvester somehow wins SG idol, I'm sure almost nobody except his kee siao fans will endorse him as a Singapore idol..
*shudders at his rendition of Music of the night*

Oh well I guess the Singapore idol should be clear by now its gotta be Taufik since the only other true talent has somehow been out-voted. Oh well, weird huh now that its the exams, or rather whenever the exam period arrives, all the tv shows, all the games, all the blogs seem more interesting to watch to play and to read. Damned.. at this rate I'm.. er.. the printout on my wall says "Never talk to yourself negatively" so I'm gonna shut up and continue on my Legendre's equation and God knows what else..

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