Sunday, February 20, 2005

Are you dumb??

Hehe so how is it? Have you all got the solutions yet? So far I suppose only JK, me and Henry know the solutions as well as J but she doesn't seem to be very interested in the puzzle. :(

Anyway just went to KTV with J and her bro's friends and sang a lot of oldies. Think along the lines of "ah li shan de gu niang" and ... another one that goes.. "chang jiang chang qian li..." Oh man.. ok they were yesteryear's hits but.. er.. haha.
Anyway due to the low frequency of KTV visits my voice has deteriorated tremendously (although it never was anything to shout about in the first place..) and almost went off key a few times. Phew, when I went off key I wasn't singing with the mike and J glared at me for a moment.. oops! LOL

Went to the MCS gathering and wah.. really damned intimidating.. so many people and so many cars. I should have taken a few pics but it was quite dark already. So maybe another time, managed to meet my secondary school friend there too!

Enjoy your mid term break guys, I'll do some catching up!! Academic catch up I mean :)

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