Monday, February 28, 2005

Of whiteheads and blacking out...

Well actually for quite some time now I have been visibly irritated by a whitehead residing on my right eyelid so after twitching around in school the whole day I decided it had to go.

Step 1: Wash your face to make your skin as _____ as possible. (clean? not-oily?)
Step 2: Proceed to scratch and irritate the site of the whitehead.
Step 3: Pinch the general area with thumb and index finger so that the skin above the whitehead suffers even more damage.
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 & 3 (ouch...)
Step 5: Upon skin breakage remove the whitehead by gently squeezing.
Step 6: Sob uncontrollably before passing out on the toilet floor.

Ok step 6 was irrelevant.. haha!

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