Thursday, February 03, 2005


Been reading Emile Durkheim's readings for a few days now and I find him quite amazing. Especially with regards to the theory of labour division as a society 'progresses' so as to speak. The reading even throws in a couple of Darwin-ian views to support Durkheim's views.

Damned. I think humans are getting stupider every minute. People living in the last century are such great thinkers, people like me already have trouble deciding what to have for lunch!

Excerpts from my conversation with Dr. Lee

4eVeR RiVeR says:
ya lah..
4eVeR RiVeR says:
anywae, relax ah..
4eVeR RiVeR says:
this yr I relax alot than last yr
4eVeR RiVeR says:
last yr like I'll dun sleep and mug thru out e nite one
Momo^* Getting in, being moved. Zoom zoom!! says:
i cannot relax liao ah.. i relax i going to fail like siao.. i already did super badly last sem ah
4eVeR RiVeR says:
this yr I sleep at 12am or latest 1am, regardless finish or not
4eVeR RiVeR says:
and I got better results
4eVeR RiVeR says:
Momo^* Getting in, being moved. Zoom zoom!! says:
haha sleep is v impt...
4eVeR RiVeR says:
4eVeR RiVeR says:
more organised this yr also
4eVeR RiVeR says:
got my study pattern back after e 2 yrs in army
4eVeR RiVeR says:
infact.. almost starting to like studying liaoz

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