Saturday, April 30, 2005

too much quantum mechanics, apparently does wonders to your reaction speed.. Posted by Hello

Evil rants.. not from me though!  Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

Power of Physics?

This might be old news but anyway, just saw a type of torchlight that doesn't require batteries. The mechanism is based on Faraday's law of electro-magnetic induction.

What happens is when you shake the torchlight vigorously, a powerful magnet moves along the central axis of a copper coil. The induced current allows a capacitor to store electric energy and power up the torch's LEDs, since LEDS consume much less power than conventional bulbs. Damned impressed at the simplicity of this idea... I might consider trying to DIY this project, homemade 'milkshake' torchlight anyone?

Any electrical engineer keen to join me? Wahaha!

On hindsight, maybe not.

"the shakable light hor, i think use liao will get more frust. shake like a mad man, the light a bit only" - taken from

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Extra extra extra!

Ninjai episode 11 & 12 is out! After a long hiatus for oh-so-many months. if you haven't seen it before, enjoy the flash animations!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Priceless quotes #2

LCP Tan Ch** H*ng


If you could map out a person's personality, his soul, I wonder how would one divide it into basic elements ala Periodic Table in chemistry.

As I grew older, I figured out some of my personality traits. I remember in P4, this boy called Desmond gave me a real big slap on my back with his palms for no apparent reason. He did it in the school bus with perhaps all his strength. I managed to feel very angry just before I burst into tears. I recall after I told my then 'best friend' Andrew who was a TKD student, he told me he gave Desmond a reverse thrust kick to his head the next day. Well it sounds frickin naive but i believed him, anyway I didn't see Desmond around so couldn't be bothered with that asswipe anyway..

Then I went into NS, it really was a culture shock. I remember during PC interview, my PC said I seemed like one of the 'zai kia(s)' meaning I was one of the 'finer recruits' if I may say so. He asked me if I had any grievances to bring up, I still recall he was like totally methodological (wait a minute is there such a word?) about asking it..
2WO Sim: Lee, any family problem?
Me: No sir.
2WO Sim: Money problem?
Me: No sir.
2WO Sim: Got girlfriend?
Me: No sir.
2WO Sim (muttering): No girlfriend problem *while writing down on my interview booklet*
Me: Actually sir...
2WO Sim: Ya..? (is that dulan-ness I sense in his tone?)
Me: Sir, actually I a bit of culture shock, in school and at home, whole life never heard so many lan jiao, chao chee bye, kan nin na compared to 1st day in BMTC..
2WO Sim: Lee..(chuckling) you have to get used to it, this is the real world lah.. don't believe next time you go out to work it will be the same. Don't take it too seriously..
Me: Yes sir.

Thinking back, I am also confused man. My family upbringing was moderately strict, Buddhist family although we believed strongly in certain Confucius' (Confucian? Confusion?) values such as filial piety etc etc.. Never had much conflict at home, at most minor squibbles between us siblings etc. Never really had a fight, or real quarrel with other friends or classmates. People said I took after my dad, which I thought was a compliment since he seemed always so cool headed and practical. Everything he said made sense to me, more often because it was logic at work. My "ECU" was slowly tuned to his "throttle inputs" becoming more and more familiarised with him and his expectations and values.

Patience and tolerance, he taught me, was much of a desired virtue to possess. Till today, many friends around me believe I have quite a high tolerance level. However I am slowly starting to feel that tolerance level dipping, everytime I get angry at something, everytime I make mistakes and I have to take the blame. I suppose I have a huge phobia of failure and making mistakes, like when I was still around 12 and I started complaining to my dad that I was tired or something like that. That was in the coffeeshop and he gave me a slap right there and then.

Perhaps from then on, I absolutely resented the feeling of embarrassment and whatever other emotions and feelings that might lead or arise from that. I just quietly listened when others lectured me but when their backs turned, I cursed them and their whole families, either I asked for death to take them swiftly or I would just hurl vulgarities in my mind, elementary stuff like "fuck off from my world and I hope you die fucker". It served somehow as a way to let off steam although it was all inside of me. I only started rebutting my siblings during secondary school, among friends I don't recall any real bad incident. Perhaps there hasn't been a chance for this to take place anyway.

As I became an adult, I absolutely resented being lectured by someone else. I just couldn't take it unless it was absolutely logical and I admitted it was my own fault. The bottom line was that if somehow someone made fun of me, I would feel terrible, my stomach would heat up and my chest would get really tight and I can really feel adrenalin, coursing through my body. It was my brain, releasing all the proper hormones to get ready for a fight, to bash the other fucker who had offended her master if I may refer to the brain as a female organism. This feeling has intensified over time, even as I type I can feel perfectly what I am describing now.

ST said that the biggest sin of us Singaporeans was Anger (Wrath) and I actually am quite surprised that I am somehow quite a frequent committer of this sin. In fact, doesn't this seem like a movie? 'Anger management' and I'm Adam Sandler. They say, it isn't the constant lava-gushing volcanoes that are dangerous, rather it is the dormant ones that wreak havoc occasionally.

Come to think of it, maybe a fight during younger days might have been beneficial.

Anyway for a summary..
1. I am extremely phobic about being 'excluded' (non-acceptance) or made fun of. I'm sure I will fly into a rage if that happens.
2. I am extremely phobic of embarrassment.
3. I am extremely phobic of failure.
4. I lack discipline.
5. I need to find an avenue to really vent my anger or find a shrink.

PS: Thanks PC for sending me that song, it was highly therapeutic.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Priceless quotes..

Me: Sian ah... think won't be staying back liao morale hit all time low..
JK: Morale? 我的morale已经拿来抹地了...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A time to kill

Kill off Kronecker deltas, orthonormal scalar products and what else there is in quantum mechanics.

Think I've blogged about this before but I'll just blog about this again, when you gift somebody a 'want' instead of a need, sooner or later it will turn into a necessity for him. For me, that 'gift' was the use of a car, and occasionally when I find that I don't have access to it, I get very weary and lazy. Damned, what I need is an army lifestyle right now, minus the cold water shower though.

Recently I saw in ST, the greatest sin most people have committed is anger. For me it would have to be sloth! I'm so frickin lazy these days, waking up late and easily distracted. Maybe a cattle prod would do me good... electrocuting me out my dreamland every morning at 0700 hours..

Now that the 'atenza' emblem is here, will have to meet up with the forum guys to collect my stuff! Oh and did I mention I'm contemplating taking up class 2b lessons in the coming holidays, kena poison from Jingkai already zz. Somemore he pillioned me home last night, brrr it sure was cold man with cold rain drizzling down.

This will be it for now, back to killing..

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Shit happens..

and fugly shit happens once in a blue moon like yesterday night. Its easy to forgive but its difficult to forget. Stupid bitch