Monday, April 25, 2005

Power of Physics?

This might be old news but anyway, just saw a type of torchlight that doesn't require batteries. The mechanism is based on Faraday's law of electro-magnetic induction.

What happens is when you shake the torchlight vigorously, a powerful magnet moves along the central axis of a copper coil. The induced current allows a capacitor to store electric energy and power up the torch's LEDs, since LEDS consume much less power than conventional bulbs. Damned impressed at the simplicity of this idea... I might consider trying to DIY this project, homemade 'milkshake' torchlight anyone?

Any electrical engineer keen to join me? Wahaha!

On hindsight, maybe not.

"the shakable light hor, i think use liao will get more frust. shake like a mad man, the light a bit only" - taken from

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