Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A time to kill

Kill off Kronecker deltas, orthonormal scalar products and what else there is in quantum mechanics.

Think I've blogged about this before but I'll just blog about this again, when you gift somebody a 'want' instead of a need, sooner or later it will turn into a necessity for him. For me, that 'gift' was the use of a car, and occasionally when I find that I don't have access to it, I get very weary and lazy. Damned, what I need is an army lifestyle right now, minus the cold water shower though.

Recently I saw in ST, the greatest sin most people have committed is anger. For me it would have to be sloth! I'm so frickin lazy these days, waking up late and easily distracted. Maybe a cattle prod would do me good... electrocuting me out my dreamland every morning at 0700 hours..

Now that the 'atenza' emblem is here, will have to meet up with the forum guys to collect my stuff! Oh and did I mention I'm contemplating taking up class 2b lessons in the coming holidays, kena poison from Jingkai already zz. Somemore he pillioned me home last night, brrr it sure was cold man with cold rain drizzling down.

This will be it for now, back to killing..

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