Sunday, January 30, 2005


Had a farewell party for WWS and we got to have a BBQ at Downtown East.
Did I tell you guys that I love eating BBQ chicken wings? Hehe.. especially when they are nicely and evenly cooked and golden-brown in colour.

Which reminds me, I am craving for "Luo Jia Liang's" chicken wings already! Will tell you guys more about it when I have sufficient evidence!

On another note, a bit sorry to Nick when he requested to borrow my car or rather my dad's car for use. Apparently his gf wanted to meet her friends in town, Orchard to be specific. I had to decline him flat in his and Joycelyn's face, I really have to draw the line clear here. I'm certainly not willing to let anybody who hasn't driven a car for a few years fetch his gf to town in my dad's car.

Who would have to take responsibility if something bad happened? I cannot be held accountable, its too heavy a risk. Then again declining him flatly in front of his gf might be a little bad so I was having some mixed feelings on the way back home. Come to think of it again, making him lose a little face is better than losing 2 lives. So.. sorry buddy if you're reading this ( I guess not :p) but I had to decline you. As a matter of fact, I would have declined anybody else.

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