Friday, January 14, 2005


I thought my eventful Friday was over but this will be one of the most 'memorable for all the wrong reasons' Friday yet.

Drove to PWC building near Lau Pa Sat to pick up my sis together with my parents in Scooby and then went on towards People's Park in Chinatown to search for travel agencies because they want to go on a holiday to perhaps Korea while I don't feel like sacrificing my whole Tuesday full of lessons. And there are other reasons which will become apparent later on in the next few weeks.. Hehe.. :p

Anyway I was doing a U-turn at near this .. rooster 'ornament' near Chinatown.. and it wasn't very well lit. So I checked right, couldn't see a thing but the car before me had disappeared. So, right side clear. Checked left, cars were turning out from another street but they were relatively slow and it was one of those 50-50 situations. You could either go for it but you would have to step on the gas a little more than usual but should have no chance that anybody will horn/high beam/come close to you. Or else, wait another gazillion years.

I chose the first option so I stepped on the accelerator and zoom Scooby dutifuly delivered some useful torque and I started turning out rapidly until my dad shouted in a very kan cheong tone.

"EH EH!! 小心!有人!!!"
By the time I slapped the brakes on, the ah pek was still happily crossing the road not knowing that my bonnet was going to hit him. I can't believe that there are people who live so obliviously to the dangers of the road. And he had to cross the road exactly at the part right after a U-turn which is a pretty bad choice for a jaywalking spot.

End up, my bonnet kissed his knee I think, luckily he wasn't injured. That ah pek still gave a rude gesture but nothing obscene or vulgar. Anyway he continued to cross the road since ALL the vehicles behind me gave way thankfully and did not proceed to run him down.

Bumped into PC Lee somewhere along Chinatown and related the story to him. As I was telling him "that ah pek cross road is look straight ahead one, damned confident that he is not going to kena any cars, machiam I-robot walking."

What a day, I'm thankful to be in my room, not behind bars..

And although I initially cursed the ah pek a lot, I hope he uses proper pedestrian crossings next time and opens his eyes wide. To all readers, learn from my lesson please, the spot where your car turns to is a potential blindspot so check just before you are about to accelerate. Also, be wary, VERY WARY of elderly folk, some of them walk on the streets like they don't want to continue living anymore.

*Phew...* what a day..

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