Friday, January 07, 2005

You know its spring-cleaning time when..

You search for 1 single bloody CD for 2 hours to no avail. Being a neat and tidy person, or rather trying to be one all my life so as to speak, I normally don't misplace my stuff that easily. So when I cannot find something it will bug me to no end and I won't be able to sleep in peace.

Anyway a lot has happened in the holidays, one event of which will be a surprise to my 'loyal readers'. Been CORS-ing lately and I think I will be taking at least 1 sociology module. Probably a Geography module as well, since I dabao-ed 2 then I'll have to do 2 6-module-semesters.

Reservist letter has arrived too.. I'm so looking forward to chiong sua-ing with the rest of the guys in Area A/B/C/D/E .. NOT! Speaking of which I bumped into Chunkiat @ Seiyu Bugis Junction, where he's working at Cupid Jewels. Heard from him that Kelvin Lim aka 'xiao bing' (literally, laughing biscuit -_-") will not join us in this ICT and hence he will not be joining us in our reservist batallion. So sad.. stupid NUH don't want to release him.. there goes another funny funny character in our platoon.

Remember my oh-so-arrogant cousin who sells prawn noodles? That prima donna shot his mouth off again and I was kind of offended. Not that I'm a very petty guy to begin with but I certainly do not appreciate the idea that I am being called useless, whether it was implied or a direct attack. I'm starting to believe that mofo has prawn shells for a brain. Asshole.. I won't elaborate on it further but everybody agrees he has changed since he found his fortune.

Its time for another useless list~!
1. Toshiba TV fixed. I love Toshiba! (repairman actually came early.. impressed?)
2. Passport photo changed. (Fatimah ki-sa-man, luckily I got put coupon hehe! Noob fatimah!)
3. Tio 2 summons on same day, first for failing to display parking coupon @ Marine Parade then failing to insert cashcard for ERP gantry (CCB, lao beh take cashcard out never put back in)
4. Finally switched to using a sponge to wash scooby. Not very effective in wiping tough stains though.
5. Bought new motherboard for the PC. So far so good, the wireless connection still sucky though :(
6. New Year's eve spent at Geylang! Oops.. we were at a friend's office though, quite interesting nevertheless, counted down with 'dou jiang you tiao' now that's a first for sure!
7. Laptop seems to be so far so good, maybe its having its holiday too.. doesn't cock up now and then like it did during the academic semester.
8. Went to Mushroom Pot restaurant twice within the same week (I think.. or 7 days) which has a nice steamboat thing going on, highly recommended!
9. Stopped beside a Civil Defence vehicle which was like 2 or 3 times my vehicle's height. (I don't know what is the name but its the vehicle used for extending the ladder for rescue purposes.. er.. 'Long Red Rhino'?)
10. Saved by our geographical position from the killer tsunami waves that generated from a massive earthquake in the Indian Ocean. God bless the victims..

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