Saturday, July 31, 2004

Forgotten entries..

I still have not posted the entry I wanted to post about the Sun and I'm frankly damned sian about it liao haha..

Today was quite "happening".. first of all I got a shock when I started washing Scooby only to find there were quite a number of unremovable stains on its roof and bonnet and the boot as well. I totally freaked out and proceeded to polish the bloody stains off which took approximately 1 hour or less. The bad thing was most of the stains can't be removed so now Scooby is covered in small small black dots.. I'd like to call it a case of "smallpox" if i may!

Sickening stuff aside, I went for a run at last and yeah, totally cannot make it already. Ran to the unfinished road which was very nice, fresh air aplenty for fellow joggers, dog-walkers, old couples etc etc.. Tried to run 1 round along the unfinished road, to and fro took 3 mins 35 seconds. Tried running it for a second time ala "uncle nick" circuit training style.. with much determination and effort I cut it down to 3 mins 20 seconds.. I was surprised too.. hehe So well i reckon that stretch of road should be around 700 or 800 metres.

Today's dinner was fantastic in a very normal way... I also can't explain it. It was just plain beehoon soup containing fish, bitter gourd that wasn't really bitter, large prawns from the prawn supplier. Side dish was ngoh hiang though hehe.. Oh but the "star of the table" had to be the chilli padi + soya sauce..

*cue heaven on earth by .. who the hell sang it anyway? Forgot her name damned.. Yeah I remember now, its Belinda Carlisle! Anyway other songs of hers that I would recommend would be "Circle in the sand"(PC Lee favourite ..oo-la-la), as well as "Summer Rain"(Mambo night favourite).

Haven't done this in a while, posting lyrics of nice songs..
Like this..

Kimberley Locke - Without You (featuring Clay Aiken)

Never even thought to cry
When I heard you say goodbye
Never said where you were going
There's no laughter in the air
Only silence everywhere
And so much left unspoken

Since you've been gone
I haven't been the same
I wish that i could see
Who's to blame

Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
And no love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am i supposed to live my life?
Without you

Was I lost in you and me
To the point I couldn't see
That what we had was dying
Now it's all that I can do
To see photographs of you
And stop myself from crying
I should learn to live without your love
Got so many memories
But it's not enough

Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
And no love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
Without you?

I feel helpless and, oh, so alone
Like I never felt before
You made me feel alive
But I don't remember what it's like anymore

Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
And no love does what yours will ever do
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
Without you?

Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
Without you?
Oh baby where do I belong?
Please tell how can I go on?
Without you...

Friday, July 30, 2004


If I'm not wrong its a NC-16 show.. well but PC Lee jio-ed me to catch the show with him so we shivered in the cold West Mall cineplex together.. and watched that wretched 2 hour +++++ movie until we almost had to take the midnight charge cab back home. Luckily for us, we caught the very last MRT then we walked home from the nearest LRT.

The movie was .. very forgettable as "another war movie" as I think because most of the time the plots are around the same. Some parts are gory, gruesome, bloody and I find that these movies like to use shocking, grisly images to stir up emotions in viewers which of course, makes me feel most repulsive haha..
Like there was a scene where the South Korean soldiers encountered a village where all the villagers have already been slaughtered and some of the bodies.. blah blah yada yada booby trap is set off and the bodies are blown up. That was by far the most gross scene in the whole movie.

I wonder what real war will look like, not that I want it to happen or want to be in it.. its just the curiosity factor, how come so many people fight willingly, knowing they will die. Why doesn't everyone just "dig a shellscrape, take cover and shoot from there?"
I wonder, in wartime, will the leaders we "take for granted" really be leaders, and will the men really follow their orders even if it means their lives are at risk..

Oh but I forgot to give the #1 politically correct answer for "If you had one wish, what would you wish for"

"world peace.."



Countdown ..

School's starting soon, maybe its a good thing, as all fresh semesters are, there's always the possibility of making new friends or enemies, ace-ing new subjects (or rather failing them..) , bitching about new idiots and arseholes and so on.

Have since decided to take the Geography GEM alone and another module with Ivan. School gets boring when you attend lectures all alone :(
Yeah, I'll make new friends I guess along the way.. hopefully smart ones that can help me haha~

So what have I done these holidays..? Bought a new jigsaw, framed the old one, bought a new wireless router, tidied (and messed up) my room, when for a couple of trips, went for my in camp training and yes... found a partner :p
She's enjoying herself in Bintan now, with her brother and her friends whom I've got to know over the past few days. Cheerful bunch of people I must say..

Oh and I must recommend to everyone who reads this.. the "all butter mintoes" from Marks & Spencer are really good although they are quite expensive @ $3.90 but since I kind of grew up on these butter mints, I consider it quite a good bargain plus the fact that I don't know of any other shop that sells this type of sweets. Sinful, sinfully good.. wahaha

Nothing much to blog nowadays, because of the fact that nothing much is happening.. maybe its time to psycho dad to buy a car haha.. or pay off the house loan!

Monday, July 26, 2004

I, Robot

Don't think I've mentioned it, but I've caught the movie for free already haha. We were at 's a giant cockroach ccb!
certain shopping centre in town area to watch Ella Enchanted which was a .. omg theres'

Ok.. where was I? Giant cockroach.. its dead now .. in case you guys don't know, I am super number 1 hater of cockroaches.. Oh yeah i was looking at the cockroach crawling on the hi-fi as I was typing so the above sentences are a lil' jumbled.. hehe i'll just leave it as that..

I was watching Ella Enchanted with her and after the show ended, we went out thru' the entrance and yeah we just conveniently hopped into another cinema... haha. Actually she pulled me in lah.. I wasn't so "heroic" but I, Robot was quite a good movie in my opinion. Catch it if you have nothing else to watch. I should rest now, the cockroach incident has wrecked my nerves..

Sunday, July 25, 2004


We've sold off our Bukit Panjang flat. For a cool $XXX,XXX.XX dollars only. Haha.. much of that money could go into paying off our house loan.

Yesterday night was totally crazy, first I met her at her house then having no exact plan to execute, I drove down to ECP and we took a stroll there and relived the moments where we met weekly for the silly batallion runs and the sickening feeling of running non-stop. After we overshot the parking coupon by 1 hour, we finally decided to head back... back to West Coast Park.. haha! The motive was that there was a 24 hour Mc Donald's restaurant there but in the end, it was 24 hours drive thru' only, the restaurant closed at 1am. Much to our disappointment apparently, after we discovered that only at 1:30am ++ and there was a human queue at the drive thru' so .. its really oxymoronic kind of thing. Hehe, I was thinking of Henry's post on silly American stuff a few months back, I thought only Americans did such dumb stuff. LOL..

Ok, no offence to Americans in general, only some, yes..

Anyway I've been working at my mother's stall these few days so its been rather packed. Haven't had much time to slack and laze around, which might be good for me I suspect. Oh yeah I wanted to blog about this, hehe its regarding some silly quotes from this Formula 1 commentator... I think his name is Steve Slater..

The real situation: Schumacher leads Button by around 9 seconds + .. but 2nd placed Jensen Button is closing the gap steadily at around 0.25 seconds per lap. There are 11 laps remaining..

Steve Slater: Mathematically, if Jensen Button continues at this rate, he will be able to finish before Schumacher at the chequered flag!

2  or 3 laps later
Steve Slater: Is this going to be enough to overtake Schumacher? I think not!

Me + elder sis : HAHAHAHAHHAHAA!




Saturday, July 24, 2004


My post on snails and god-knows what else is gone... I have no idea how its gone maybe I didn't ever publish it or something. Sure hope it ain't hackers/crackers/cookies at work.. lol lame attempt at cracking a joke..

I was saying, I saved 3 snails the other night by not stepping on them. And the previous night I saved 4 others.. 7 snails saved :p Oh well but I did see about half a dozen cracked and squashed snails, together with their shells.

Ok that's about it because I totally forgot what I wanted to blog. Shiet man.. I remember I wrote quite a long one.. so long for now :(

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Dear Science Students,
We would like to inform you that the Faculty has revised the CAP cut-off for honours eligibility downwards from the current 3.80 to 3.50. This will take effect for cohorts matriculated in 2002/03 and after. Please refer to the letter attached below for further details.
Er.. yay? Don't think I'll be doing honours anyway.. sigh

Monday, July 19, 2004

I am back~!!!

Hehe.. I see blogger has made some more changes to its template or whatever you want to call it.
Anyway I'm back from a trip to Genting/KL with the "Buangsters". Hope all you guys are still doing fine back in SG. The weather in Genting was really chilly, and most of the time my hands were freezing cold. Some highlights of the trip were..
In no particular order..
1. Watching the glorious Sun set in the west amidst cirrus clouds, ahh.. it was so surreal, and the rays of the Sun extended all the way along the horizon.. almost like a horizontal Aurora.
2. Realising that you're finally of the legal age limit and that you can enter the casino!
3. Enjoying 24/7 air-conditioner weather although it wasn't to my preference actually (due to my asthma)
4. Being among the clouds.
5. Shopping (more for the ladies though :p)
6. Catching moths in the hotel at 1 or 2 am because we didn't shut the windows.
7. Being blatant "illegal immigrants" in the hotel (7 people in 2 double rooms).
8. Watching King Arthur at $10RM.
9. Taking the cable car down from Genting.
That's about it for Genting..
KL's highlights are as follows..
1. Taking a rollercoaster ride. (it had a loop-the-loop!!)
2. Taking it a second time because we wanted to pose correctly at the camera so that we could purchase it.
3. Realising we didn't have money in the first place because Colin took all our stuff.. (Priceless..)
4. Shopping.
5. Shopping.
6. Shopping.
7. Eating random stuff @ KL's Chinatown.
8. Shopping.
9. Train ride back to Singapore.
That's about it for KL. Haha!
I must talk some crap regarding the points mentioned above.. for example King Arthur the movie. Read on for spoilers.. Whoever was the actor, Clive Owen I think, for starters I really thought his acting could have been better, even the Statue of Liberty could generate more decent facial expressions.. He had the same face when he was going to bed Keira Knightley, when Lancelot died, when he was doing everything... oh but when he wears a helmet he sure looks like Nicholas Cage.

I really thought he looked liked a mix of Luis Figo/Rui Costa anyway. If you don't know, both are professional footballers from Portugal. On the whole, I thought the movie was crap because it was a very incomplete movie. The storyline starts with Lancelot, then suddenly Arthur just appears. (Huh?) Then Merlin also plays a very small role in the movie, when the movie seemed to portray him as some other great sage with superpowers etc. My conclusion: The movie's storyline definitely doesn't do the real story any justice. I don't know the real story of King Arthur anyway but I know its a very condensed movie, too much for my liking.
One of my fears is .. a fear of those "extreme" roller coasted rides... and then it didn't exactly please me that we went to Times Square in KL, the largest shopping centre in maybe SEA or Asia.. not too sure about that. It did have a big indoor theme park though, supposedly largest in Asia anyway. Anyway after a heavy lunch of ... Bali Laksa I think, I went off with her to watch the rollercoaster in action. Oh man there was a corkscrew  before it ascended really high up.. then it went down a very steep section before going for the loop-the-loop. At that point, I could feel the laksa ascending up my throat too.. haha there were butterflies in my stomach.
In the end, after some apprehensive-ness (is there such a word?) or is it apprehension? I went to take the ride with her as well as TCS, JL, GX and Colin. Oh my the corkscrew was too fast to be felt but the loop-the-loop was really exhilarating. The acceleration was really very shiok and i was planted to my seat even though I was upside down. (mv^2/r > mg)  In the end we took it 2 times for the above-mentioned reason so it was a little silly haha! So in the end, it wasn't that scary after all. Maybe its because its indoors so you don't exactly get to appreciate how farking high up it was anyway! However, I must give myself a small pat on the back, haha although its a puny rollercoaster compared to the likes of Big Dipper etc..
Er.. will be going to school tomorrow for experiments, haven't prepared at all.. crap

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Random facts..

I've been to the dentist to pluck out my teeth only once. Blardy hell, he gave me like 7 injections to numb the pain first before extracting the sickening tooth out. After that, all my teeth were extracted DIY. First you finger it, then you twist, then you turn, then its out. Most painlessly and effectively. For my sisters, both who visited dentists far more frequently than me, they ended up having to wear braces which cost an average of 1 to 2 thousand dollars which is not a cheap price to pay :(

Contrary to popular belief, I have had and still have skin problems. :(

I used to have a very horrible condition where the skin, particularly areas near the joints, would develop scary, horrifying, nightmarish lesions. It was really frustrating and sickening and my condition really reached its pinnacle at primary 5 or 6. I had volcanoes on my knees, elbows, wrists and fingers. Thankfully, none ever developed on my face or neck or else I would look worse than Frankenstein.

Of course I seeked medical advice and most doctors didn't really have a clue as to what it was. One doctor even suggested it was scabies, a condition that I think affected more of animals than humans. Another suggested it was a parasite that buried under the skin and came out and night to make new "burrows", all these suggestions contributing to my extreme paranoia especially the parasitic case. In fact, I stayed up all night to "catch the parasites" even if they were invisible to my naked eye. Most incredibly, this weird condition disappeared for quite a number of years until I was in .. I would reckon JC 2. Yeah, in fact it was the period just before I was about to enlist.

This time the lesions grew way out of proportion, it made my middle finger swell up to about twice its normal size.. it was horrible.. I could not even curl up my finger into a normal "fist ball" or whatever you want to call it. Ok, I could not clench my fist properly. Actually it didn't hurt but it is just so incredulously irritating and frustrating, not to know why as to how such a weird thing happens to yourself. I just wanted to scratch myself till it bled and then recovered, it was extremely agitating, I must reiterate once again.

This time I went to a polyclinic and the doctor on seeing such an unusual sight recommended me to a skin specialist at National Skin Centre. The most silly thing is, because the appointment was due in 2 weeks time, the lesions would of course had subsided by then. (its just the nature of my condition at that time, it was spastic and sporadic in duration and intensity.)
So off I go to NSC in search of help and the doctor just asks "where are the lesions??"
-_- just what I had expected 2 weeks ago.

If I had a digital camera back then, I would have taken pictures. However.. that wasn't the case so too bad. So anyway the doctor decides to perform a biopsy, I think that's how it is spelt anyway. Fast forward to some days/weeks later.. and I'm ready. I lie on the operating ... chair/seat/reclining seat and the injects local anesthetic(spelling checked by blogger, isn't it anaesthetic?) into my right hand and then he used a hole-punch sort of machine to literally just "kiap" samples of skin off my right hand. Following that was stitches which felt most gruesome and terrifying even under the numbness. How exciting can weaving a needle through your skin get.. GROSS!

As for the biopsy results, fantastic here's the killer part. After "gruelling" testing and being $300 poorer, I still have no known allergies and the doctor concluded the most common answer to any question.

"I don't know"
I swear I felt like killing the doctor.. haha!

And now, I have some weird "acne" if you want to call it acne. I can feel a tiny lump inside the flesh of my right ear lobe. There's also a new one inside the flesh of my ... cheek, the part where it is nearest to the ear, its almost at the "entrance" of the ear hehe. Oh my god, it is supremely, extremely, definitely, truly, madly, deeply disturbing and irritating! I really really really really would love to use a needle to poke a hole(small one pls..) through to whatever stuff is growing inside and force it out. Arghh!!!
That brings me to the end of this post. Bleah!!!! Any tips besides the needle one?


The eighth iteration. Wait. Is it iteration? Oh well..

The eighth and final iteration of the Lancer Evolution series has been given a new, revised roof as well as all new dampers from Bilstein, oh and I forgot to mention an all new full carbon fibre rear spoiler.. all this in a new model named Evolution VIII MR.
I just spotted one of the new models on the road on AYE a few days ago, and my oh my, the driver was certainly driving very recklessly indeed. You could say that in my viewpoint or you could say, the car was being driven.

I guess, the car is beckoning you to drive it hard simply because it has the capabilities to be driven hard! So much for the car, it looks good but maybe it would be better to fool around with the car on the track instead of crowded AYE.

Anyway, I have finished reading the National Geographic magazine and it really is damned interesting. There was this story on wind scorpions and some of the images were a bit disturbing. Apparently this male wind scorpion tries to mate with a female one but ends up being her lunch instead. I guess this is very common in the animal kingdom...
*the female of the species is more deadly than the male...*

The post regarding the Sun is rather .. abstract and requires some basic knowledge of electric and magnetic fields. Still wondering if I should post it or not. Its the type of post that you can't type out entirely unless you copy and paste the entire article from Nat. Geo... :(

I hope to post it someday soon though, its just the "presentation" that bothers me.
Oh and before my holidays end, I MUST set up a home wireless network by hook or by crook. Peace out!

Sunday, July 11, 2004


I experienced another Highest Point Of Relief today .. oh man I think its the chilli I had last nite :(

I was having "mui fan" you know.. the rice with all that sticky, eggy paste and other ingredients that is simply so yummy, and of course there was sliced chilli padi. Oh man I ate quite a lot of the chilli and I do believe that this morning's episode was partially, if not totally contributed by the chilli padi..

In the morning I went to empty my bowels because I knew it didn't feel right, so I thought I had already "checked clear!" before going to soccer. In the end when I reached there, I felt ok but after a few games I felt something weird inside my stomach. Soon, it climaxed to a "national top secret" full blown emergency and I quickly put on my 42 SAR singlet and ran to the nearest toilet which was .. maybe 400 or less metres away. Goodness gracious, heng ah! Phew thank goodness I made it in time LOL..

Not before getting irritated by another IRA..

I fish out a $10 note and then the silly IRA still can grumble something like..
IRA: 你没有一毛钱啊? 我不要,这几天都有很多人给我十块, 很讨厌leh..
Me: *face turning blue/green/purple.. possibly cyan.* Ignores her and walk briskly into the toilet..

-_- Luckily she didn't stop me if not I'd just .. whack her or something ahaha. No maybe I'll threaten her if she don't let me into the toilet, I'll just poo on the floor. Wahaha!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Forgotten entries..

I was thinking when is the happiest moment in your life. Or for that matter, when do you feel the highest point of relief.. which I proclaim to be the moment when you are about to "LS" and you find a toilet just before the "horses break out of their stables" hahaha!

Which was exactly what I experienced on Friday when I took a bus to Bedok from Clementi with her. On reaching our destination I knew I had to pee first so that was quickly settled at a random coffeeshop. After that, I started to develop a lot of intense pains in my stomach and I knew I had to find a toilet. It was one of those "tua zong" ones.. if a normal dump was ranked restricted, this one had to be "top national secret" or something like that. Imagine my relief when there were not 1 but 2 cubicles inside the Mac Donald's toilet. Wah biang it was inside there that I thought of this silly thought, relief doesn't get any better than this~ HAHAHA!!

Forgetful me..

I always always forget what I want to blog at the end of the day.

Recalling back ...
#1. I saw a BMW 645Ci on the street already! Wow! For those who don't know, its just a very nice sports car. =D
#2. I saw a rock on some carpet grass today. Immediately thought of overturning it and check if underneath got some hidden gold/magic items or not.. Guess its a case of playing too much Diablo II. Haha!
#3. The BRAND NEW danish butter cookies I bought from Giant Supermarket @ IMM... Gawd, I don't know how to type this out in English but it is "lao hong" !@)@#$%^&*()%$%!$@#

Other than that, ok today while I was walking towards the stretch of eateries opposite Beauty World @ Bukit Timah, saw 2 silly bike riders. First off the green lights they totally revved the nuts out of their bike engines. Then the blue bike in front did a wheelie~ OMG I must admit it was quite stylo but what if he fell? Wah lau.. I can so imagine the Harley Davidson gang of bikers eating at the Muslim coffeeshop rush out to them and then form a circle around the guy and start laughing. -_- Never fark around with your lives and other peoples' lives..

If you guys were hoping on any update on Carl the Pomeranian, sadly there is none. I hope the owner has found the dog.

I remembered I wanted to post something regarding the Sun, yes the star, the brightest thing as we all see in the sky but I forgot what already.. damned. Anyway I read it from National Geographic Magazine so maybe I'll post it another time. (yeah right..)
Ok lah, I'll try lah.. because its another case of.. erm.. the plain and simple truth, simply defies common sense. Yeah I'll leave it as that. Tata!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Ah ma in wonderland..

Woke up at 11+ today by my mother who insisted the sun was "shining on my butt" when the sun is obviously being hidden by the clouds. Had lunch which was a most interesting porridge with "cai poh neng" (egg with .. wtf is cai poh?) and.. chicken and tofu and mushrooms mixed in an evil broth which tasted super salty. Oh well, its acceptable to my ah ma who likes her dishes salty.

After that my mother went for the fortnightly KTV session and my dad had to bring her there. They took the grey scooby there, yes, it WAS white but due to days or weeks or neglect it is almost grey now... haha! So left me and ah ma and ah ma wanted to go to "si ma lu" which is .. Rochor road? Or Victoria street.. oh whatever anyway she wanted to go to the "Guan Ying Tang" and say her prayers etc as well as to buy some sea cucumber. So as we set off it started to drizzle (great) and as we were nearing Newton Circus it started pouring. Gah! Ok so I dropped my ah ma off with my aunt (I picked her up halfway) and then searched for parking. So damned lucky, some Lexus just turned out of a carpark and then I went to "chop" the parking lot in a most triumphant manner (yes by turning your hazard lights on...).

So, aiyah long story short..
1. I went to say my prayers as well to the "tian gong" and then "guan yin"
2. Accompany ah ma and aunt to the market to buy sea cucumber.

Oh and my ah ma is the type that is super sociable so when she walked into this shop she picked her sea cucumber then the salesmen or rather the shop assistants were super courteous to her. At first they asked her "auntie le ai simi?"(what are you looking for?) Later it turned into "ah ma, lai wa gia yi hor le zheh.."(ah ma, I'll get a chair for you) Haha, she soon psychoed the assistants to offer her the sea cucumbers at a lower price but in the end it was still very expensive. I had no idea sea cucumbers fetched such a high price..

1.6kg of sea cucumbers cost SGD $208.50 and ah ma slashed it to $200.
Not bad already, she had 2 assistants calling her ah ma, had a chair to sit on and still had $8 discount..

That was basically it, ah ma in the land of mushrooms, he bi (small dried shrimps) and sea cucumbers.. she was totally ecstatic I can vouch. Haha~

Came home rested a bit, slacked here and there before falling asleep and waking up for a nice dinner which was immediately followed by an arrow.. wash car. Zzz its now white again, poor Scooby!

Monday, July 05, 2004

Carl aka sweetie aka silly mutt aka pomeranian/pomenarian

Alright this is the "full story" as heard by myself from our neighbour...

1. Silly mutt got lost.
2. SM wanders about along Cashew Road.
3. Random children pick him up lest SM should get run over by a TIBS bus.
4. Random children somehow end up passing/giving SM to our neighbour who has a dog herself.
5. Neighbour puts SM on a leash in the driveway, hoping that people passing by will be able to see SM.
6. SM somehow gets out of the leash and escapes!
7. SM wanders outside our door.
8. SM spotted by YKW.
9. YKW carries him out.
10. SM returns.
11. Step 9 and 10 repeats for a few times.
12. Elder sis and gang decide to leave SM in the backyard.
13. I come home to find SM in the backyard.

Condensed version.. hehe so now the SM is happily "re-united" with Ranger the resident lao jiao Golden retriever. Ranger likes to lie and roll about in the center of the road. Yeah.. according to Michelle who is our neighbour (she's a caucasian aka ang mor), that's because Ranger thinks the road is his. Haha! Anyway thanks to SM, I got to know Michelle and her daughter Ann or Anne.. oh well. I even played with Ranger, and SM joined in heartily as well, pouncing about on Ranger who looked like he could eat SM whole.

It wasn't long before Ranger got really pissed at SM and started to emit those ferocious growls at SM and .. SM continued to jump about on Ranger. -_-'' Michelle was yelling something like "Carl.. stop it! Ranger won't like it!" in the most motherly tone you could possibly imagine.. haha I was trying not to laugh my guts out.
My mother also told me Michelle's reaction when she saw SM run back into her home.

Wahaha, she's obviously such an animal lover. Hmm I cannot imagine Ivan doing that.
*Ivan in soprano pitch high tone* "Hey Bailey you are backkk!"

Sunday, July 04, 2004

How much is that doggie in the window..?

Went for soccer today which was amazing. More amazingly, I didn't bring my shoes and ended up playing with my Teva sandals. I scored a goal too.. super amazing~

After soccer, while I was on the way home I just casually checked my handphone for any missed calls/sms etc.. and one of them was from my elder sis.

"Bro a dog wandered into our house haha..its gonna rain so I'm leaving it in the backyard.."

-_- I was like DOH! And off she went to Katong to have a haircut and a colour change as well. That meant leaving the poor stranded mutt alone at home, actually not even its own home... What was she thinking man.. She could have just left it at the .. driveway right. There IS shelter there and at least if the doggie got bored he could go back home. Now the silly mutt is in front of me and he is crying already.. the tears have wet its nice fur near the eyes.

Alright alright silly dog I'm so shagged from lack of sleep and soccer, later still have to go chiong at Mohammad Sultan to change coins, now still have to serve you lunch? I haven't had lunch myself! Hurriedly called Ivan who was sleeping and he advised me to give him some bones or.. anything edible. Fussy little dog, I gave him some nice Gardenia bread and he took a whiff, then he turned his head as if to say "nice try bitch.."

Gah! Wah lau ok .. Pomeranian 1 : 0 Momo

Having tasted such "bitter humiliation" I decided to dig up whatever was available in the fridge. Hmmn chilli sauce, chilli padi, chilli paste.. wtf I never knew there was so much chilli stuff in my fridge! Evil thoughts surfaced in my mind but the doggie started to wag its tail in anticipation of some .. pasta bolognaise or something like that. After much effort I managed to dig out.. banana cake.. and I pinched a little to the dog and he seemed to like it.

Alright man I dumped a whole piece for him to enjoy, served him another glass (container) of water then I rushed off to take a shower before heading off to chiong! When I returned the silly mutt was asleep and obviously didn't hear or detect my scent.. After I dumped all the heavy coins on the floor, the silly mutt was still sleeping but he changed his position already.. he was lying on his back and the best part was... his hind legs were perched on top of the gaps in the fence. Wah lau I running around like a siao kia and that dog is so enjoying himself.. sleep until "kiao ka.."

Will post more later on the silly dog.. if he decides to stay..

Friday, July 02, 2004

Ahhh... (relieved tone)

Yes Wind I mean that 2nd chinese character you typed out.. what's the difference anyway?
Haha my amazon is level 16 or 17 already I think actually quite low cos I remembered last time my Paladin was level 26 and still lose to Ducky's character.. is it? Hmm remembered JS's Barbarian was level 70+ or something like that (Jesus.. he's a game freak..)

In other non-related boring news..

If I'm not wrong a quartz crystal vibrates approximately 32768 times per second. That's exactly 2 raised to the power of .. shit where's the calculator.. haha Ok crap, I've spent 10 minutes or so searching and I still can't find it.. what the..
Ok its 2 raised to the power of 15. And I still can't find my precious.. fark!

Hmmn...(questioning tone)

What is the difference between 越 and.. shit man.. I think its "fan ti zi".
Ahhhh irritating how am I supposed to show you all how it is written.. -_-'''