Monday, July 19, 2004

I am back~!!!

Hehe.. I see blogger has made some more changes to its template or whatever you want to call it.
Anyway I'm back from a trip to Genting/KL with the "Buangsters". Hope all you guys are still doing fine back in SG. The weather in Genting was really chilly, and most of the time my hands were freezing cold. Some highlights of the trip were..
In no particular order..
1. Watching the glorious Sun set in the west amidst cirrus clouds, ahh.. it was so surreal, and the rays of the Sun extended all the way along the horizon.. almost like a horizontal Aurora.
2. Realising that you're finally of the legal age limit and that you can enter the casino!
3. Enjoying 24/7 air-conditioner weather although it wasn't to my preference actually (due to my asthma)
4. Being among the clouds.
5. Shopping (more for the ladies though :p)
6. Catching moths in the hotel at 1 or 2 am because we didn't shut the windows.
7. Being blatant "illegal immigrants" in the hotel (7 people in 2 double rooms).
8. Watching King Arthur at $10RM.
9. Taking the cable car down from Genting.
That's about it for Genting..
KL's highlights are as follows..
1. Taking a rollercoaster ride. (it had a loop-the-loop!!)
2. Taking it a second time because we wanted to pose correctly at the camera so that we could purchase it.
3. Realising we didn't have money in the first place because Colin took all our stuff.. (Priceless..)
4. Shopping.
5. Shopping.
6. Shopping.
7. Eating random stuff @ KL's Chinatown.
8. Shopping.
9. Train ride back to Singapore.
That's about it for KL. Haha!
I must talk some crap regarding the points mentioned above.. for example King Arthur the movie. Read on for spoilers.. Whoever was the actor, Clive Owen I think, for starters I really thought his acting could have been better, even the Statue of Liberty could generate more decent facial expressions.. He had the same face when he was going to bed Keira Knightley, when Lancelot died, when he was doing everything... oh but when he wears a helmet he sure looks like Nicholas Cage.

I really thought he looked liked a mix of Luis Figo/Rui Costa anyway. If you don't know, both are professional footballers from Portugal. On the whole, I thought the movie was crap because it was a very incomplete movie. The storyline starts with Lancelot, then suddenly Arthur just appears. (Huh?) Then Merlin also plays a very small role in the movie, when the movie seemed to portray him as some other great sage with superpowers etc. My conclusion: The movie's storyline definitely doesn't do the real story any justice. I don't know the real story of King Arthur anyway but I know its a very condensed movie, too much for my liking.
One of my fears is .. a fear of those "extreme" roller coasted rides... and then it didn't exactly please me that we went to Times Square in KL, the largest shopping centre in maybe SEA or Asia.. not too sure about that. It did have a big indoor theme park though, supposedly largest in Asia anyway. Anyway after a heavy lunch of ... Bali Laksa I think, I went off with her to watch the rollercoaster in action. Oh man there was a corkscrew  before it ascended really high up.. then it went down a very steep section before going for the loop-the-loop. At that point, I could feel the laksa ascending up my throat too.. haha there were butterflies in my stomach.
In the end, after some apprehensive-ness (is there such a word?) or is it apprehension? I went to take the ride with her as well as TCS, JL, GX and Colin. Oh my the corkscrew was too fast to be felt but the loop-the-loop was really exhilarating. The acceleration was really very shiok and i was planted to my seat even though I was upside down. (mv^2/r > mg)  In the end we took it 2 times for the above-mentioned reason so it was a little silly haha! So in the end, it wasn't that scary after all. Maybe its because its indoors so you don't exactly get to appreciate how farking high up it was anyway! However, I must give myself a small pat on the back, haha although its a puny rollercoaster compared to the likes of Big Dipper etc..
Er.. will be going to school tomorrow for experiments, haven't prepared at all.. crap

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