Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Random facts..

I've been to the dentist to pluck out my teeth only once. Blardy hell, he gave me like 7 injections to numb the pain first before extracting the sickening tooth out. After that, all my teeth were extracted DIY. First you finger it, then you twist, then you turn, then its out. Most painlessly and effectively. For my sisters, both who visited dentists far more frequently than me, they ended up having to wear braces which cost an average of 1 to 2 thousand dollars which is not a cheap price to pay :(

Contrary to popular belief, I have had and still have skin problems. :(

I used to have a very horrible condition where the skin, particularly areas near the joints, would develop scary, horrifying, nightmarish lesions. It was really frustrating and sickening and my condition really reached its pinnacle at primary 5 or 6. I had volcanoes on my knees, elbows, wrists and fingers. Thankfully, none ever developed on my face or neck or else I would look worse than Frankenstein.

Of course I seeked medical advice and most doctors didn't really have a clue as to what it was. One doctor even suggested it was scabies, a condition that I think affected more of animals than humans. Another suggested it was a parasite that buried under the skin and came out and night to make new "burrows", all these suggestions contributing to my extreme paranoia especially the parasitic case. In fact, I stayed up all night to "catch the parasites" even if they were invisible to my naked eye. Most incredibly, this weird condition disappeared for quite a number of years until I was in .. I would reckon JC 2. Yeah, in fact it was the period just before I was about to enlist.

This time the lesions grew way out of proportion, it made my middle finger swell up to about twice its normal size.. it was horrible.. I could not even curl up my finger into a normal "fist ball" or whatever you want to call it. Ok, I could not clench my fist properly. Actually it didn't hurt but it is just so incredulously irritating and frustrating, not to know why as to how such a weird thing happens to yourself. I just wanted to scratch myself till it bled and then recovered, it was extremely agitating, I must reiterate once again.

This time I went to a polyclinic and the doctor on seeing such an unusual sight recommended me to a skin specialist at National Skin Centre. The most silly thing is, because the appointment was due in 2 weeks time, the lesions would of course had subsided by then. (its just the nature of my condition at that time, it was spastic and sporadic in duration and intensity.)
So off I go to NSC in search of help and the doctor just asks "where are the lesions??"
-_- just what I had expected 2 weeks ago.

If I had a digital camera back then, I would have taken pictures. However.. that wasn't the case so too bad. So anyway the doctor decides to perform a biopsy, I think that's how it is spelt anyway. Fast forward to some days/weeks later.. and I'm ready. I lie on the operating ... chair/seat/reclining seat and the injects local anesthetic(spelling checked by blogger, isn't it anaesthetic?) into my right hand and then he used a hole-punch sort of machine to literally just "kiap" samples of skin off my right hand. Following that was stitches which felt most gruesome and terrifying even under the numbness. How exciting can weaving a needle through your skin get.. GROSS!

As for the biopsy results, fantastic here's the killer part. After "gruelling" testing and being $300 poorer, I still have no known allergies and the doctor concluded the most common answer to any question.

"I don't know"
I swear I felt like killing the doctor.. haha!

And now, I have some weird "acne" if you want to call it acne. I can feel a tiny lump inside the flesh of my right ear lobe. There's also a new one inside the flesh of my ... cheek, the part where it is nearest to the ear, its almost at the "entrance" of the ear hehe. Oh my god, it is supremely, extremely, definitely, truly, madly, deeply disturbing and irritating! I really really really really would love to use a needle to poke a hole(small one pls..) through to whatever stuff is growing inside and force it out. Arghh!!!
That brings me to the end of this post. Bleah!!!! Any tips besides the needle one?

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