Saturday, July 10, 2004

Forgetful me..

I always always forget what I want to blog at the end of the day.

Recalling back ...
#1. I saw a BMW 645Ci on the street already! Wow! For those who don't know, its just a very nice sports car. =D
#2. I saw a rock on some carpet grass today. Immediately thought of overturning it and check if underneath got some hidden gold/magic items or not.. Guess its a case of playing too much Diablo II. Haha!
#3. The BRAND NEW danish butter cookies I bought from Giant Supermarket @ IMM... Gawd, I don't know how to type this out in English but it is "lao hong" !@)@#$%^&*()%$%!$@#

Other than that, ok today while I was walking towards the stretch of eateries opposite Beauty World @ Bukit Timah, saw 2 silly bike riders. First off the green lights they totally revved the nuts out of their bike engines. Then the blue bike in front did a wheelie~ OMG I must admit it was quite stylo but what if he fell? Wah lau.. I can so imagine the Harley Davidson gang of bikers eating at the Muslim coffeeshop rush out to them and then form a circle around the guy and start laughing. -_- Never fark around with your lives and other peoples' lives..

If you guys were hoping on any update on Carl the Pomeranian, sadly there is none. I hope the owner has found the dog.

I remembered I wanted to post something regarding the Sun, yes the star, the brightest thing as we all see in the sky but I forgot what already.. damned. Anyway I read it from National Geographic Magazine so maybe I'll post it another time. (yeah right..)
Ok lah, I'll try lah.. because its another case of.. erm.. the plain and simple truth, simply defies common sense. Yeah I'll leave it as that. Tata!

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