Sunday, July 04, 2004

How much is that doggie in the window..?

Went for soccer today which was amazing. More amazingly, I didn't bring my shoes and ended up playing with my Teva sandals. I scored a goal too.. super amazing~

After soccer, while I was on the way home I just casually checked my handphone for any missed calls/sms etc.. and one of them was from my elder sis.

"Bro a dog wandered into our house haha..its gonna rain so I'm leaving it in the backyard.."

-_- I was like DOH! And off she went to Katong to have a haircut and a colour change as well. That meant leaving the poor stranded mutt alone at home, actually not even its own home... What was she thinking man.. She could have just left it at the .. driveway right. There IS shelter there and at least if the doggie got bored he could go back home. Now the silly mutt is in front of me and he is crying already.. the tears have wet its nice fur near the eyes.

Alright alright silly dog I'm so shagged from lack of sleep and soccer, later still have to go chiong at Mohammad Sultan to change coins, now still have to serve you lunch? I haven't had lunch myself! Hurriedly called Ivan who was sleeping and he advised me to give him some bones or.. anything edible. Fussy little dog, I gave him some nice Gardenia bread and he took a whiff, then he turned his head as if to say "nice try bitch.."

Gah! Wah lau ok .. Pomeranian 1 : 0 Momo

Having tasted such "bitter humiliation" I decided to dig up whatever was available in the fridge. Hmmn chilli sauce, chilli padi, chilli paste.. wtf I never knew there was so much chilli stuff in my fridge! Evil thoughts surfaced in my mind but the doggie started to wag its tail in anticipation of some .. pasta bolognaise or something like that. After much effort I managed to dig out.. banana cake.. and I pinched a little to the dog and he seemed to like it.

Alright man I dumped a whole piece for him to enjoy, served him another glass (container) of water then I rushed off to take a shower before heading off to chiong! When I returned the silly mutt was asleep and obviously didn't hear or detect my scent.. After I dumped all the heavy coins on the floor, the silly mutt was still sleeping but he changed his position already.. he was lying on his back and the best part was... his hind legs were perched on top of the gaps in the fence. Wah lau I running around like a siao kia and that dog is so enjoying himself.. sleep until "kiao ka.."

Will post more later on the silly dog.. if he decides to stay..

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