Friday, July 30, 2004

Countdown ..

School's starting soon, maybe its a good thing, as all fresh semesters are, there's always the possibility of making new friends or enemies, ace-ing new subjects (or rather failing them..) , bitching about new idiots and arseholes and so on.

Have since decided to take the Geography GEM alone and another module with Ivan. School gets boring when you attend lectures all alone :(
Yeah, I'll make new friends I guess along the way.. hopefully smart ones that can help me haha~

So what have I done these holidays..? Bought a new jigsaw, framed the old one, bought a new wireless router, tidied (and messed up) my room, when for a couple of trips, went for my in camp training and yes... found a partner :p
She's enjoying herself in Bintan now, with her brother and her friends whom I've got to know over the past few days. Cheerful bunch of people I must say..

Oh and I must recommend to everyone who reads this.. the "all butter mintoes" from Marks & Spencer are really good although they are quite expensive @ $3.90 but since I kind of grew up on these butter mints, I consider it quite a good bargain plus the fact that I don't know of any other shop that sells this type of sweets. Sinful, sinfully good.. wahaha

Nothing much to blog nowadays, because of the fact that nothing much is happening.. maybe its time to psycho dad to buy a car haha.. or pay off the house loan!

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