Sunday, June 27, 2004


Finally finished ICT. Initially I wanted to type something like "finally out of that shithole" but thinking back I thought our accomodation was quite good to be honest, perhaps if you close one eye as to the condition of the toilet. Heard that the medics were cursing their lungs out on the last day(area cleaning).

For the FIRST time, signal platoon wasn't arrowed to clean some toilet or do some incredulous job. It was a pleasant surprise of course, when we heard we were told to clean up the area surrounding the parade square and the cookhouse. All of us went "huh?" I could SO see the huge question marks on everyone's face. Firstly the parade square is seldom or never ever dirty. As for area "surrounding" cookhouse, well its all roads isn't it? We picked up all "non-organic" litter meaning anything but the leaves shed by trees in the vicinity. What a lame job.. perfect for slack signallers like us! (oops)

Highlights of this ICT were, in no particular order...
1. SAR21 conversion course (which we took already in our NSF days.. DOH!)
2. Hmmm maybe it isn't too good an idea to reveal contents of our training programme which is classified as "restricted".
Oh well, I reckon 90% of all SAF documents are classified restricted just for the sake of classifying the documents. (I almost type classificated~...)

The real highlights were, in no particular order...
1. Games day aka booze galore...
2. Sleeping like logs until I woke half of the platoon up in time for the CO assumption parade..
3. Sleeping like logs and then rush to fall in only to wait for the dilly-dallying CSM/RSM..
4. Waiting...
5. Still waiting...
6. Finally, we rush..
7. Only to wait again for the ATC trainers/correct strength/missing idiots etc etc...
8. Unlimited canteen/smoking breaks..
9. Shopping at e-mart!! omg that was so fun! (NOT)
10. Reliving the good old days (priceless!!!)

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