Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Ohhh.. you touched my..

Tralala.. that silly song is in my mp3 player now. Yes, the one that I carry around when I go out etc.. Haha, sometimes you really feel like laughing on the bus when the guy in the song goes "mmmm my ding ding dong..." whaahhaa he sounds so super lusty.

Just reinstalled "The Sims" as well as "Diablo II" on my computer. I wonder what's wrong with me.. haha playing old games all of a sudden. I'm currently playing a new character who is an Amazon, I'd like to see what powers she will have once she reaches those high levels and I manage to bind jewels onto her weapons, I remember the last time I played with my friend JS.. his Amazon's arrows were target seeking and had fire and lightning damage blah blah blah. I couldn't even fight a fair fight.. totally "pwn3d"

The girl from the "jigsaw puzzle world" just called.. the frame is ready and it will cost a cool $57.90 if my memory serves me correctly. Damned.. I'm already depleting my savings and more "bad news" have to come. Haha..

So much for this post, my eyes are hurting like hell, must have been bad combination of old contact lenses + prolonged exposure to air-conditioned environment. Ciao!

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