Sunday, June 06, 2004

Renault Megane Coupe Cabriolet!

Saw it in the flesh today as we were having our lunch at Katong kopitiam. It looked very cool with the glass roof, no idea which customer's car it was but although it wasn't the most attention grabbing vehicle on the road, I recognised it the second it pulled into the parking lot~ Not trying to hao lian anyway.. this post is about the car, not me~!

As can be expected this blog revolves around cars and.. cars? With the occasional curse and swear and whine and bitch about idiots in general. Business was brisk at kopitiam today, I really worked like a mad dog (why mad dog? I dunno..) for like 11+ till 3pm non-stop. Alright lah these few days not many incidents but got 1 particular one that made me a bit -_-'''

RVJCG (Random VJC Girl)
RVJCG : "Uncle! 可以帮我们抹桌子吗?
/me mutters random curse..

Hehe.. just a light hearted joke of the day that most of you won't experience~
And I found out that my aunt's maths really really truly madly deeply sucks big time. Oh man.. She is randomly overcharging or undercharging our customers.. I think she really needs to go back to Primary school or something! Worse thing is she simply doesn't seem to give a damn? She can sometimes charge $9++ when the actual price is like $12++!!! That is a huge glaring mistake man.. so now I've got to memorise the price of all the different stuff and have to "catch" her already. (Machiam playing UNO)

As a matter of fact, I've "caught" her on multiple occasions already including today. Really very "jialat" I also don't know what to do, this is "politically sensitive" stuff so I'll leave it to my dad to settle. Meanwhile have to report to dad and mum while I continue to play "UNO"

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