Wednesday, June 02, 2004

KTV, smoking and food..

Sang a lot of songs I wanted to sing with Beng, Ivan and Henry with PC as "special guest" on Monday. Most of them were Jacky's songs, with a certain degree of difficulty and it was to be regretted that I basically slaughtered most of the songs. Haha! Lesson learnt, prioritize your songs so that when you feel you are at your best (warmed up), insert your most wanted hit immediately so that you can sing it at your best!!!

Looks like PC isn't about to kick his bad habit anytime soon, actually I realise that he is really a heavy smoker. The uncles working in the kopitiam are smoking probably at most 3 or 4 sticks a day while PC is smoking probably twice that amount. My mother expressed shock on hearing of his smoking habits, or rather it was GX. (He smoked like crazy in Malaysia..) This reminds me of something I heard @ Caltex opposite my dad's stall on Monday.

RRA (Random rich auntie): How much is that XXX(random expensive cigarette brand)?
Cashier: $xxx..
RRA: Oh wow, so cheap ah? I'll take it~
Cashier: How bout 2 packets for you ma`am?
RRA: Aiyoh come on, don't kill me so fast lahhh..

Well, to all smokers who happen to read this, you know it better than I do because I'm not a smoker and probably won't be one for the remainder of my life. Just a friendly reminder that you should kick the habit for monetary and health reasons with the latter being more important of course. And for the love of God, please do not smoke near kids, I saw this poor boy he was sitting down with his family members and his family members are all lighting up and the boy is like in the middle of a smokescreen.. Its none of my business but spare a thought for other non-smokers please. My secondary school teacher once pointed out "They are using filters and we aren't, don't we have a right to tell them to get lost?"
At least it was somewhere along those lines.. he was the living embodiment of the stop smoking campaign I guess...

Alright that's all for the smoke and KTV post.

I was discussing with Foxy the other day about our eating habits/our diet. Alright for starters I'll make a like/dislike list about foods. Actually I like too much so I'll just list my dislikes.. to "shock" you people.

My favourite food: Prawn noodles cos I grew up on them.
Dislikes: All things too sweet including chocolates, most sweets, ginger, brinjal, bird's nest(who the f needs bird saliva anyway), ginseng/essence of chicken/herbal tea, most junk food when I don't have the cravings.
Just some random notes: Most common craving is Calbee's potato crisps, I used to drink tea with no sugar, now I just add about half a teaspoon.

Now what I don't understand about "most" people is..
1. Chocolate craving. (Although chocolate tastes nice, I simply cannot take the sweetness that comes with it with the exception of bitter chocolates.)
2. Junk food mania. (Just looking at my younger sis devour junk food is amazing, its non-stop. How many packets of potato chips can you possibly finish in a week? Gross! Sickening!)
3. Cakes. (If its ice cream cake its understandable but I think those normal cakes are really filling, my impression of swallowing an oily, creamy butter cake is not a very good one.. hee~)
4. Fried stuff. (Foxy said she has a friend who eats fried food only? OMG.. although it would really bring business to my parents' shops but I can imagine the fluid coursing through his/her veins is not blood anymore, its probably oil..)
5. Coffee. (Though not exactly the unhealthiest beverage around, I still don't really like coffee although it smells very nice. Perhaps its because I've read about the effects of caffeine addiction and how it yellows your teeth anyway.)

That's about it, I sound more and more like a health conscious freak already. LOL.. so guys take care of yourselves and remember to have a balanced diet.
I guess I should say a lot of factors have caused my diet to be the way it is. My family has a long list of health problems including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, thyroid problems, asthma. My dad himself suffers from Diabetes (I think its type B) so you can understand my fear of having stuff too sweet although its not a direct link to the disease itself. (Rather its the pancreas being unable to produce enough insulin I suppose..)

That's about it (2nd time), will blog more tomorrow night which is Vesak Day. Happy Vesak day everyone!

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