Wednesday, June 30, 2004

If my sister struck Toto...

and the prize money was $1 million. This is what's gonna happen...

1. Set aside a substantial amount to pay off the silly house.
2. Buy me an Evo VIII MR!
3. The rest is up to her discretion..

Ah.. wishful dreaming man.. hmm but sometimes its just better to sit and dream than to work towards it. I mean, work towards $1 million, not work towards buying Toto.. haha!
Talking crap with my dad and big sis just now and my dad lamented that we are such "noob" drivers that we probably wouldn't be able to handle the power of such high-end cars. Which is probably true and I'm here to share the finer points of driving! yayee!

In normal everyday cars like my Scooby and Nissan Sunny/Toyota Corolla etc, you would probably have no problem overtaking cars or switching lanes. For starters, let me guess what you would do.. you would check the side mirror, signal in the direction you're gonna cut into and then check the blindspot. That's the proper safety check anyway.. so what's next? You would probably accelerate a little and then switch lanes (assuming you are overtaking), merging into the faster lane with other traffic smoothly.

What happens in the higher-end cars? After conducting your safety check you tap a little on the gas pedal and then you start to steer. That's where the big mistake is because the throttle inputs are so sensitive that your bumper would have kissed the car in front of you before you managed to switch lanes~ Well at least that was what NEARLY happened to my cousin's Fairlady Z. (Yes the same ol' farker)

Lesson of the day: Familiarise yourself with the car and know its limits. In this case, its not crossing the car's limits but rather, crossing the driver's limits haha.

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