Friday, June 18, 2004


My apologies for not updating in recent days, a lot has happened in fact but don't think I will post it here haha.

For example, I cancelled the old telephone line for my old house. Wow what an accomplishment haha. I also caught the movie "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"
Its a movie more on the "arthouse films" side, the concept is a little abstract but it was entertaining nonetheless. Although after watching it I was kind of drained, maybe used too much braincells already~

Been going out everyday from 15th till 17th of June, shopped quite a lot or rather, window shopped a lot and bought 2 FILA T-shirts at $10 a piece which I consider to be quite a bargain I guess. Cos' Fila stuff would normally go for higher prices anyway. Which reminds me I need to get berms/shorts/jeans rather than T-shirts.. damned.. another instance of my lack of priority haha.

Went out with my Nanhua friends to Geylang for supper yesterday night but I was a bit surprised to see that it was really crowded even on a normal weekday night. Business must be booming for all the people selling food there, and the skin trade as well.. haha!
The oldest profession in the world, the skin trade, you just can't ignore or deny its presence even in a place with such strict laws like Singapore. So anyway we were driving about (muddle-headed me "hollanded" after Lavender St.) and then to our horror there wasn't any available parking lots at all. So after "holland-ing" further we ended up settling for supper at Old Airport Road market.

Fruchee might remember I once tagged along with him and his generous parents, we went there for 'lor mee' right? I can't remember what I ate, I only remember his dad ate a huge bowl of 'lor mee'!! Anyway we ordered.. fried kway teow, fried oyster omellette, fried carrot cake, mutton soup and satay. What a spread for 7 friends haha, and I think it ended up just nice for most of us!

After that we went off to Bkt Timah, where we settled at the 24 hour Muslim coffeeshop and talked crap until around 3 or 4am in the morning before I started sending Eliz and Yuanz home. So that was it for the past few days, hehe.. I must remind myself I am so lucky that I don't have to work these few days, and I can have such a good opportunity to enjoy myself haha!

Till the next post~

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