Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Tiring day...

But it was mostly due to the lack of sleep anyway. I'm not an insomniac but now that I'm not in the army anymore we don't have any "mody baintenance" so the body clock is all haywire now. Now if I have to work tomorrow the earliest I can fall asleep is possibly 2am so taht leaves me with less than 5 hours of sleep. Not bad eh? Well as my dad likes to put it, he's always amazed at how little maintenance I need in financial terms. He actually finds it weird that with increased spending power, we seem to even detest spending more!

Maybe its my elder sister's influence I guess. An accountant/auditor by profession, nothing escapes her eagle eye, when it comes to bills, payments, invoices, letters, receipts etc etc. CPF statements, road tax, housing loans, all, if not most of the miscellanous administrative stuff is taken care of by her. Under her influence I've come to be super frugal, ultra kiasu, find ways to save petrol, cut down on expenses etc. I've asked this question many times, if I suay suay really had to follow only 1 member of the family for the rest of my life, I would really choose my elder sister. Of course I might pick my dad or mother based on sentimental feelings and love for them but for pure survival out there she's definitely #1 choice.. haha!

Hmnn for the first time, someone is confiding in me regarding matters of the heart. Maybe not the first person but .. it seems like its the first. Oh whatever, good luck to .. "mysteryman".

Regarding vicious cycles, Yeing asked me about them. Hmnn well its not CORS for sure hehe.. Oh yes tomorrow is my parents' OFF DAY! Yeeehahh!!
/me prays that he can go test drive Honda Accord 2.4 iVTEC/ Honda Accord Euro R 2.4 tomorrow!!! Muahaha!
Or for even more fun, just test drive BMW 318i? Or perhaps.. Saab 95. Oh man I'm high on oxygen! I saw a nice "bike" today, it looks more like a scooter actually and it has a roof over it! Amazing stuff, its not a Vespa anyway, its a BMW C1 I think.. C1 executive or something like that, I'm sure Jingkai will have a better idea of what that is. Quite impressive looking, first bike that actually caught my eye. I wonder what is the price tag though..

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