Sunday, June 13, 2004

Mirror mirror on the wall,

Can hint hint this Sunday's numbers? Or will England win their group matches? Haha..

I think I have strained my right forearm.. it is very tense and I can feel a wee bit of pain when I flex the muscle. More probably from carrying huge plates of ngoh hiang than from badminton.

Today the mysterious guy appeared at my house again. I shall presume he is here just to use the computer, saw his yellow Nissan Silvia but actually, why did he choose to paint his car such an awful ah beng yellow? In my opinion even if that car can rocket to 100kph in 5 seconds, its street cred(entials) is still a huge zero lor. So anyway because of that farker, I had to go to Mohd Sultan to "chiong" myself, drove all the way there in our trusty little Scooby Doo and on exiting Stevens Road from PIE I decided to test limit.. hehe~

If you guys can recall, the exit is a huge bend left, and it was there that I decided that I didn't want to brake that hard so I just went easy on the throttle and took the best driving line. Well it wasn't long before Scooby's "talented" chassis started showing signs of giving up so I had to apply the brake. Zzz! Ok at that point I think I heard a faint squeal from the front tires so it would be a much better idea to stop playing a fool. Lesson learnt, the scooby is biased towards understeer (of course..) for safety reasons.

Went to "局士林" to change coins which would have to be the highlight. After chionging then I took a slow drive home, on the way I realised that the piece of land opposite Rail Mall (near Hillview/upper Bukit Timah Road) was being cleared possibly for some new building? Or to make the narrow stretch of road there wider into a 3 lane road? That would be a pleasant welcome but actually makes not much difference. 3 lanes still have to merge into 2 lanes sooner or later.. haha!

Alright I was interrupted while posting this because I had to pluck out the weeds. Doh!
Really tired now my Achilles heel aches from squatting down too much. *Cue music "planting rice is never fun, blah blah yada yada.." *

Just another note to remind myself, I must cancel the old house's telephone line.

1 comment:

Dr Purva Pius said...

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